It's a cold, rainy day but I'm sitting in a warm coffee shop with my mug next to me. No agenda, no place to be, no one to chauffeur here or there. Ahhhh... what a feeling! It's a new feeling for me, for 24 years I've been a mom, and haven't often had to consider what I might want to do on a Sunday afternoon.
And you know what? It's both exciting and a little sad at the same time. Exciting because I can do whatever I want, I already went to the gym, got myself a coffee and I might go shopping next and I really have an appreciation for that new found freedom. But it's sad too, my oldest is happily married and living several states away, off on an adventure of a lifetime. My youngest is finishing up her first year in high school and drives herself everywhere now and has a social life of her own. And as my husband and I have discussed more than once, it's a beautiful thing for your kids to grow up and become independent, but that means that they live their own lives independent of us. I can't help but miss them, and how things used to be.
This has caused me to consider how I want to spend my free time. What do I like to do? That should be an easy question to answer right? For so many years, I didn't really have to think about it, I loved following our kids around with whatever activity they were involved in (swimming, soccer, marching band, basketball, choir concerts...and so on). My friends are the moms of my kids friends, my interests revolve around what my kids are interested in. I think this stems from starting parenting at the young age of 21. I don't remember what I was interested in prior to becoming a mom, and now I'm a different person all-together.
I'm guessing I'm not the first person to experience this feeling, maybe this is called a mid-life crisis 😜. But instead of buying the convertible, I'll write about it, and find myself some resources online or in books or from friends who comment here. I'll get there one way or another!
You go girl. I can only imagine the feeling having been an empty neater all my life. Excited to hear about your journey
Posted by: Kathy Van Hoorn | 03/12/2017 at 03:52 PM
Good for you!!! Oh, and don't forget about taking a trip with your sisters and their friends to fill some time!!!! 😀😀😀
Posted by: Tiffany Peterson | 03/13/2017 at 05:27 AM
Go for it Paul's! Love your idea! Love your blog! Enjoy your new chapter!!
Posted by: Dawn W. | 03/13/2017 at 12:37 PM